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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
Seth buried his face in his hands and huffed. "Oh come on. Its not like you don't agree with me. We all know this is ridiculous the only difference is that I've been through this before. And you think the food is bad now."

Seth wasn't stupid. He knew that he was horrible at setting a 'good' example. And he certainly wasn't the poster boy for 'team unity'. But just because he didn't get along with everyone off the pitch didn't mean that when they were on the pitch that he didn't know what he was doing. Directing practice, making sure his team was at the top of their game was his top priority. That didn't mean he had to get along with them when they weren't playing.

"Just you wait. They'll be asking us to hug out our problems and share our deep dark secrets next." Oh Seth wished he was joking. "And its not like it works. If anything, it causes more animosity between players." he picked up a stick and started poking at the fire. This wasn't a week to build team unity. It was a week of torture. "I had to bunk with Boot last go around and no one should have to go through that kind of torture."

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