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g ↔ f ↔ ρ ([info]chickidy) wrote in [info]valesco,
Gleny had no idea why she had decided to leave the WWN, but she had, and that decision left her foolishly exposed in the middle of Diagon. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, to get out of the shaking building, but now that she was away from work and people that she actually cared about (how was she to know if everyone was alright!), she felt... well, stupid.

Though it wasn't completely her fault! There had been lots of people stampeding out, and she had gotten swept into the crowd, so by the time she'd been able to free herself another shake was starting and... the deep desire to know exactly where she was overwhelmed her, and for a few moments Gleny stood with her hands on her face, desperately trying not to break down.

She was relatively fine! Or at least--- well her hip felt like it was on fire, as well as her side, but she was too afraid to look at what could have possibly happened to her to know for sure. There was no blood on her robes, and that was good enough to start walking and help anyone she saw. She stood silently under a overhang, her thoughts going to Tristan and Gideon. The would be, they would be fine of course? Where they were living now was so far away from London, and not even the Order was exactly sure where they were, so there was no reason to get anxious over their conditions yet. Besides, Gideon usually stayed home with Tristan these days, barely---

The sound of rumbling and crackling from above made Gleny's head snap up quickly, losing her train of thought. It only took a few seconds for her to realize that the sound was coming from the roof's sliding bricks.

This building was falling apart. It was literally falling apart in front of her very eyes, and all Gleny could do was stand there, mesmerized, right in the path of destruction. The thought that she had a wand that would stop this only came later, once she had already covered her hands over her head and ducked low to the ground. A last thought flitted through her mind before she was knocked unconscious: she really should have sent a patronus to the Order.

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