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Jonas Ackerly : Musician ([info]mynameisjonas) wrote in [info]valesco,
Jonas's vision was blurred when he came to. All he could hear was the shrill, fuzzy ringing in his ears and beat of his heart. He couldn't smell right away and it hurt to breathe -- it really, really bloody hurt to breathe. His mind was sluggish but he knew he had to move. Jonas's forearms scraped against the concrete of the patio as he attempted to get roll to his knees, but failed. His dazed brown eyes cast around a slow and ill-aimed glance to see a piece of heavy steel pinning him to the ground. It was something like an out-of-body experience as he kicked and shoved himself outh from beneath the scaffolding. His arms were scratched and his jeans were ripped at the knee, but at least he was free and was immediately snapped back into the world of mass panic.

There was screeching and calls for help coming from every direction and that sent pangs of worry straight through Jonas's chest. He could hardly believe this was happening. He glanced up at the ice cream parlor as he climbed to his feet. It was miraculously mostly-intact -- albeit a tad wrecked on the inside. He looked around to his band-mates rousing from their spots and helping each other to their feet. He called out to them anyway and was waved off.

Oh, Zeus! There was still Kobe! Their one fan. The Florean's sign had come careening for them both and he was praying that she'd managed to scrabble away. He heard her shout. His heart broke and his breath hitched when he saw her blond hair peeking out from beneath wreckage. Putting a had to the screaming pain in his side, Jonas tensed his jaw and dizzily went to her. "Kobe?" he called out as he lowered himself down to get a better look at her. He swallowed in worry when he saw exactly how resolutely she was pinned.

Standing once more, he futilely pushed at the heavy sign that refused to move. Oh, for the love of... "It's not budging!," he sadly announced before kneeling down to her again. "Can you move at all? How badly are you hurt?"

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