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adelaide & andre ([info]healers_leap) wrote in [info]valesco,
Naija! then a nurse? Andre? HALP
Her babies!

Not hers, because Lee was her only baby, but the babies of the nursery! Adelaide, in all her wildest dramatic concoctions, would never have imagined that she would have to concern herself with an earthquake. A fucking earthquake. As in the ground was moving beneath them. How do you fight that? How do you fight when the ground you're supposed to be standing on is literally trying to knock you off your feet? When the ceiling above your head wanted to come crashing down on you and dozens of infants?

This hospital was damn lucky she was a damn good witch, Naija too. Adelaide let out a string of curse words before she clung across the top of her desk, shooting at the roof of the nursery to try and create some sort of shield. She saw Naija furiously moving the bassinets out of the room, and she forced herself to ignore all the screaming and crying of the babies. Just thinking that Lee was out there, that Andre was somewhere in the hospital made Adelaide send all of her strength into levitating the damn ceiling meters over their tiny bodies. There was no way that they were going to lose any of these children. No. Way.

But she was losing strength, and Adelaide let out a scream as the last of the children were moved and she lost her grip on the spell. Looking up for the split second she wasn't buried underneath the rubble, Adelaide let out a loud, "Fuck!"

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