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s c a r l e t t ([info]rabastans) wrote in [info]valesco,
He needed to kill her. There was this need to grab Octavia by the neck and strangle her until she was as blue as their drapes, but Rabastan's hands remained planted at his sides. No, he could not murder his wife in cold blood, though as the idea rushed through the crevices of his mind, he supposed that he had gotten away with messier murders. It would be easy to find someone to put the blame on, a burglar, an angry ex-boyfriend, an annoyed customer of her uncle's business. Yes it would be easy, but it would not give him any satisfaction. Rabastan mused silently (or fumed, more like fumed) that it was the reason why he hadn't just done away with her before hand, because if he was honest with himself, it would have been much too easy to get rid of the woman and be on with his life.

She knew it, too. Rabastan's furious glare shifted, his Ravenclaw mind churning and turning as he accepted the fact that she was mocking him and enjoying it thoroughly. He himself found no qualms about seeing other women, as he had not married this wench because he loved her or any other ridiculous bout of devotion one might have to send them into the horrors of marriage, but she did know that he would not have his reputation have any sort of smatter on it, unless he was willing to allow it to happen. As perfect of a pureblood he was, Rabastan knew that people would always find something to talk about.

So, no. He was not going to kill Octavia Borgin---Lestrange. He would not kill Octavia Lestrange because that is what she was expecting, and he would rather not deal with the annoyances that followed her murder. It would be relatively easy to dispose of her brother as well, but Rabastan did not deem Augustus worthy enough to die at his hands.

Rabastan bent forward, hands gripping onto the side of Octavia's chair. He became eye level with her, and locked his gaze with her, a very cruel smile tugging up the corners of his lips. "There is only one way to resolve this matter, then, dear wife," he said lowly, pushing forward with no intention of giving her a chance to respond.

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