"You've never seen a house-elf? Or you've never seen a tunnel? I think they'd be pretty hidden, I've never seen a tunnel here at school but I know there is because well, how do you think people sneak around so easily?" Brad pulled his head back but looked up at the ceiling, running his hands up the wall to see if he could feel a straight crack or something. There had to be something back there...
Brad looked over at Eliza and raised his eyebrows, "Desk? Which one? Like the classroom desks? Maybe it's Peeves. Or like, I don't know. Like Peeves isn't a ghost right? He's just the mischevious energy of all the students that have lived here forever, maybe the stuff in the desks and walls, it's like that. This castle is alive you know. It's not just like... charms and stuff. This building has done more than magic can explain. That is if you can actually explain magic," Brad nodded and then went back to exploring the wall.
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