Dedalus really didn’t understand when it had happened…but after the initial panic that came from Eliza being pregnant, and them being so incredibly nervous and scared about it…they were now rather excited about Eliza being with child. Or, Dedalus was at least. Sure, he was still nervous and scared, but that was a natural reaction for anyone to have, when they knew that they were about to become parents.
Parents. Oy.
That was really the only time Dedalus would have his internal freak outs; when he thought about the fact that this kid would be calling him ‘Dad’, and that he would actually have a son. He was going to have a son! How bizarre was that? He went from thinking that he could never even get a girl to like him, to dating, to falling in love with a girl who was probably way too good for him, and now he was having a baby with said girl. It seemed as though everything happened very quickly, and there were still times when he was petrified about whether or not they were really doing the right thing, but…as soon as he saw Eliza, he was reassured that they were. No matter what happened, they would be going through it together. He had her to keep him stable, and sane, and she had him to do the same. They could get through anything, as long as they were together.
Pushing open the door to their flat, Dedalus placed down the bag that he had been holding, and greeted the dog that was currently bouncing around, jumping on his legs. Crouching down, he picked up the black and white pup, and scratched him behind his ears, walking through the rooms to look for Eliza. Once he spotted her, he smiled, the puppy squirming around in his arms, trying to lick at his face. “So…rumor has it that you were spotted roaming around the gift shop again today.” He chuckled, the dog once again trying to get to his face. “If you keep shopping from now until January, we’re not going to have any room to store everything. Our entire apartment is going to be filled with blue teddy bears and blankets.”
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