| the adventurous nicodemo a. penrose ( otets) wrote in valesco, |
"You say that, Grayson, but I don't believe for a second that you honestly feel that you and I aren't that different when it comes down to it."
He batted the hands that clutched at him away, almost in vain. Fingers dug into his wound at the neck that made him hiss and cry out in pain.
"I don't care what you say, it is different when you become of age and your future has already been picked out for you. I don't need to be his shining star, or even half so precious to him as his Grayson Wilkes in order to feel that this is a prison statement. Maybe I do enjoy some of its darker qualities. Maybe putting on that mask does give me a high. But I don't attack it with nearly the same ferocity you do."
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