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Franziska Dolohov ([info]frenzy_franzy) wrote in [info]valesco,
"So what if I did!" Franzy yelled right back at him, completely forgetting about the crowd that was staring at them. "So what if I'm a bitch, you're a complete bastard who has no regard for others' feelings. I can't believe I ever thought you cared about me!"

She watched him sway fighting the urge to shove him over. It wouldn't take much. "Well, obviously your apparation skills suck, among other things." Oh and he was going to insult Darwin, really. Okay, okay, Darwin didn't have much of an ass...at all... but it's not like Bertram had a great one either. "And I'll have you know that I never really like your arse. Kind of flabby if you ask me."

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