He gave her a pained look. "God, this is going to be more difficult than usual."
Leaning back in his chair, he surveyed her decidedly. She actually wasn't a bad look. As in, knowing that her father was Head of the Auror Department and that she was Gryffindor, and generally a failure at Transfiguration if not other subjects, he might probably still talk to her. At least, if only to tease her. And that was something, was it not? Rather than just walking past her.
Perhaps it did have the potential to be fun.
"I don't need to read it, you see, in order to understand it... because I already understand it," he said, making sure to speak obnoxiously slower than usual. "I am apparently blessed with the innate sense to already understand such complicated material. Read it again."
Oh, yes. This was already getting to be most enjoyable.
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