Her suggestion of just snogging in the broom closet was more tempting than she might’ve realized. He would give anything, to just have things go back to normal; to have things go back to a time where they could just kiss in a closet, instead of being there to talk about what they were about to talk about. This wasn’t easy for either of them…but this was probably taking a bigger toll on Eliza. This was, in the end, something she would have to endure for 9 months, and then she would have to give birth, and then…they’d have a kid. They’d be parents.
How did people remain so calm about this, when it wasn’t expected? When it just…happened, like this?
Watching her twist her mouth to the side, he knew there was a lot going on in her head. That was to be expected. It had taken a lot of willpower, to not listen in and figure out just what she was thinking…and to be quite honest, he was a bit afraid of what he would hear, if he even tried. What if her thoughts were more confusing than his were? He couldn’t handle any more confusion…his head would surely explode if he tried to take on her own internal debates as his own.
When she began to speak, Dedalus looked down at her, swallowing roughly at her words. This was so hard for her…he knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t handling this very well. The fact that she was in a broom closet was proof enough, but her not being able to talk to him was just…it was bad news, especially when you considered the topic of conversation. There was a moment’s hesitation before he stepped forward towards her, lowering himself down in front of her, reaching out to grab the hand that she had been using to cover her mouth. Even in the dark closet, the emotion behind his eyes was undeniable, making it clear that he was just as concerned as she was. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand, once again swallowing roughly around the knot that was forming in his throat. “…I’d never-…I wouldn’t be able to act like it never existed…that’d be impossible…and we shouldn’t have to pretend like this didn’t happen…no matter what we decide to do…” He looked down, and then looked back to her. “…I don’t know what to do…I just…want to help you, and do right by you…but I don’t know how…”
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