He had not been expecting that. Ralph jumped quickly, both his legs jamming into the table in front of him as he awkwardly tried to hide the fact that she had scared the crap out of him. Not to mention she looked completely menacing, looking up at him like some criminal liar. This did not help his already nervous state. Ralph hit his knees again as he continued to try to stand up, which only resulted in making another loud noise. For his sake, he hoped no one cared enough to notice.
"Greta," Ralph rasped, feeling his body become hot with uncomfort. He--- hadn't thought about what he would do if he ran into someone who didn't know he wasn't dead. That thought hadn't occurred to him. Because... well Miranda, and--- being out of the loop so long, it just hadn't come to mind on something to prepare himself for. Oh, how wrong that had been. He should have been preparing a speech like this for weeks, because now he had no idea what to say.
Ralph stumbled uneasily under her grasp, suddenly noticing that his previous housemate could be very strong when she wanted to be. Say something, he needed to say something before she started attacking him thinking that it was some imposer trying to be him. Or something. He thought for a moment as he attempted to tug himself out of her grasp.
"Nice to see you?"
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