"Do you have a benefits package?" She was making an attempt at a joke, whether it would come off as such or not -- when they were trying to recruit new Aurors, the first things that the representatives brought up was the extensive health plan that the company offered their employees. It was ridiculous in her opinion, since the job was so dangerous that it needed a very stellar health plan -- and Frank would probably know that she was therefore already covered, since his wife worked with her and all.
She wondered if he had a benefits package for himself. Avis arched her brow at Frank, waiting for his response. Would it be witty banter, or would he chide her for even bringing up something like that grumpily and mention how hard-up they were for members so how the bloody hell would they afford benefits.
From what she'd seen of Alice in the last little while, their family was going through a difficult time. She should probably try to be ... nice.
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