It was safe to say that Allison Davies was freaking out. And this was not her usual daily freak out that she didn't have the right ingredients to make dinner or that Roger fell down and bumped his head. No this was a major freak out. Major as in Sam was going to be super upset. And not super upset but it was ok because he'd forget about it in the morning but super super won't forget about it upset.
She was at the Apothecary for all of two minutes before Giada flew in, grabbed her by the wrist and started running towards where they kept the pregnancy tests. "Giaaa, maybe this isn't a good idea. I mean, I could be just over reacting. I dunno." Ally stared at the tests. Either way this wasn't going to turn out well. Well one result would be less problematic but still. She wanted another baby.
"I just don't know. It could be the flu."
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