"I think one of the boys slipped me a sleeping potion," Molly said with a smirk, figuring it was Gideon's doing, or maybe even Gleny. She couldn't remember having anything to drink, but with the hysteria she'd found herself in last night, it was hard to tell what she'd been doing at all.
Which was terrifying. Having six children to care for, make sure they were all safe and secure, and then trying to be apart of the adults and not just some whimpering bystander who did nothing more but create background noise. Molly was a natural born leader, it was the reason why she was able to run her brood with such ease. It was painful not being able to help, and now that her mind was out of the slumber the potion had put her under, it was whirring around like mad.
"We're not safe at all, Arthur," she muttered, wondering where all her tears from last night had gone. She couldn't have run out of them?
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