Open to 77ers!
Okay, so this reunion?
Giada couldn't even---there was just so---IT WAS ALL JUST SO EXCITING. She'd seen these people and talked to them and what have you, but to have everyone grouped together, it was--brilliant! The stories that came up and the laughter and it was just right, and she felt like this was absolutely what everyone needed. It seemed like everyone in their year had been touched by the war, and--it was definitely noticeable with some people, but wasn't it better to try and move on with people who actually cared about you, then to sit and let time try to fix everything? Sometimes you needed a smile or a hug, it was just human nature.
Or it was just Giada Vance's nature, but! It was a good medicine, she liked to think.
The hall was gorgeous, and she found herself adjusting the plates and utensils and cups on the buffet table to make them alternate in position and just---looking perfect, because everything was perfect! Almost! It was as perfect as it could possibly be, and that was AWESOME.
She whirled around at a hand on her elbow, and Giada's face lit up brightly, "OH MY GOSH HI!" she let out, literally throwing her arms around them.
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