Who: Roderick Dearborn and Alice Longbottom
What: ... :(
Where: Ministry of Magic - labs
When: ... now!
Rating: CG for crying girl.
He had been getting ready to go home (for a fixed meaning of the word, as he was quite planning on dropping by Aland's place after finishing things up) when he'd heard the telltale sound of simpering. It wasn't that Roderick made many girls cry, for that would require him actually speaking to girls ... it was just that the sound was quite distinctive.
Normally he might've just walked by and continued with his business, but it was the location of the sound that caught his attention. The lab -- which meant that perhaps the girl who was crying was Erin. While he was certainly more or less over his awkward obsession with the young woman, he still considered her of some small importance to himself (and to Aland, if the other man would just be honest). He paused in his steps and set down the bin he'd been hefting, walking to the door of the lab and easing it open.
"Erin, are you --" Definitely not Erin. The girl was suddenly not his primary concern, however -- the body on the table was.
He felt his mouth dry considerably and he swallowed, pausing inside of the frame. Maybe he could just slowly back away and come back later ...?
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