While she worked. She hadn't done any work, and she was going to get in deep trouble from Avis and the rest in the offices if she didn't. The publicity of the case had died down, or maybe it hadn't even been that big of a deal at all, she had just been in the middle of the frenzy. Only a small handful of the wizarding world probably gave a damn about the man on the table and the problems he caused, and now she had to suck it up and do her job. This was a job, finding the cause of death of this---body.
A body, he was just a body now.
Alice pushed away some of the sheets by the end of the table, giving her space to write. She needed to fill out what she knew, the basic information. Name, age, date of birth, estimated---date of death. Flicking her wand, her quill was now set to record her every word.
"The body was found in Lisbon, Portugal," she began, finding that her tone had taken on a stern, icy edge, "in a dumpster behind a bakery---the Portuguese ministry had been informed of the disappearance of the supposed fugitive and immediately informed our own." Alice avoided making eye contact with Roderick as she moved up the table, and she pulled the sheet further off of his body. She almost felt like her eyes weren't here own, that she was seeing anything but what was actually in front of her.
"There are no physical signs of death----closed up injuries, but given the advancement in their healing, aren't the cause---"
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