Hey, he could teach Quidditch to his little girl! Maybe deep down that was what Ashlyn really wanted; a little girl that she could raise to be strong and proud of who she was, who knew that she was capable of anything and was going to go places. The name thing was going to kill her, though. She had given it absolutely no thought and probably wouldn't until farther into things.
She let out a soft sigh as the made their way into the store, her mind now focused on what exactly she was hungry for. She had been so indecisive lately; it wasn't that she was hungry for something specific, rather it was just a hunger in general. She'd been wanting lots of fruit, though, she knew. Fruit and chocolate and--she could do with a basket of chips as well. "I'll have to think about it," she said with a smile, leaning up to kiss him.
An older witch came up to them just then, asking what she could do for them. Ashlyn explained that she'd owled ahead of time to let her know they were coming in for a dress robe fitting for a wedding and the witch just smiled. "Well, isn't that special. Young love. You know, my Herbie and I got married just out of school..." she bustled off to find the robes she'd set aside for them while Ashlyn found an unoccupied chair. The rest was going to be nice.
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