Ashlyn smiled at him. "The first one it is, then." She secretly thought the second necklace was a bit gaudy but--well, it had the orange stuff in it and everything. She hadn't really considered wearing her hair down--not because she knew he liked it, just that she always had her hair down (at least, it seemed that way) and she wanted to look different and special. If she had it up, then people would notice and it would be important and--anyways.
"Hmmm, my hair down?" she stood on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss. "I'll have to give it some thought." It was probably for the better that he didn't say anything, because she had a very short list of items to acquire and she had absolutely no problem adding more.
She gently slipped out of his arms, grabbing on to a hand to go to the register and pay for the necklace. The only reason they were taking time today to shop was because Ashlyn's mother finally knew about everything. Oh, she was furious about her daughter being pregnant--the letter she wrote back was ten bloody pages long--but had eventually decided that Ashlyn was making the right decision due to the circumstances. There was a little bit of help coming in from her parents to fund the wedding, but not a whole lot. Her mother decided it would be better to spend the money on her unborn grandchild (Ashlyn still hadn't taken a sex specific test) than on a wedding that will last for one evening and then be over and done with.
"Alright, boy-o. D'you want to be fitted for dress robes next or go look at flowers?" It almost felt like she was torturing him...but hey, he was the one who'd knocked her up, right? Right.
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