Stunned, she'd completely stunned him. Will dropped his hands to his side, staring over at his wife in complete shock and confusion. She thought---what? He'd never said anything like that! All he'd done was try to defend himself and his status as a good husband, never did it cross his mind that Anneliese was being a bad mother. A bad wife maybe, and even then he couldn't blame her for her overreaction--if he thought he was about to give birth, he would probably be causing a scene too.
And asking a whole lot of questions about what he, a male, would be giving birth, but that was a whole other story.
"I! Anneliese! I don't think you're a horrible mother!" he let out quickly, taking a step forward but deciding against going any closer. She looked actually ready to kill him now, and Will knew that if someone had questioned his fathering skills, he'd be more than ready to let them know he highly disagreed. "I'd never think that, I would never---I wouldn't know what to do without you and---"
He shook his head, putting his hand to his hair in frustration. Will dropped his hands again, feeling ridiculous. How had he managed to make her think that? Will fiddled with the small box in his pocket, another small gift he had for her, and thought how bloody ironic it was. "No wonder you think I'm a bad husband."
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