He really didn't want her to pull away, but it wasn't like they could have stayed in that particular position forever, and pulling away for even a moment or two was something that really just...needed to happen, if only to let them breathe for a second. But, no, this shift in position wasn't about breathing. Actually, he found himself not breathing for a moment as she situated herself ontop of him, his hands going to the outside of her thighs as he watched her remove her top. His eyes traveled down to the lacy red lingerie that she was wearing, swallowing roughly before his eyes traveled back up to meet hers when she spoke.
"Yeah...it really is." His mouth twitched up into a smirk as he leaned towards her adjusting himself so he was propped on one elbow, glad that she lowered herself down to meet him so he didn't look like a complete dolt. His mouth pressed against hers before he moved to kiss at her neck, moving down to her shoulder as his free hand brushed along the smooth, exposed skin of her back, gradually leaning back, bringing her down with him enough so he could roll them over, so now he was the one that was above her. His hand moved to the bottom of her stomach, sliding up as his lips grazed hers, eventually feeling the lacey fabric beneath his fingertips as he and then his palm, letting out a soft exhale at how perfect she felt.
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