They both had a habit of overanalyzing almost everything, so maybe it was the best thing for him to just get them to both be quiet, and start doing what they had both wanted to do since he had walked out of the Ravenclaw tower into the hallway.
It was really strange for him to think that he had gone so long without kissing anyone at all, but even harder for him to think that he had gone so long without kissing her. True, she had been with John David that one time, so that would explain why he hadn't kissed her then, but what about before that? And why the hell did it take him so long after that to notice her? Not that he didn't notice her, but he sure as hell wasn't holding her like that, sliding one hand to the small of her back as he kissed her deeply in the hallway, with her back pressed against the wall. No, he definetly hadn't been doing that, and he felt like an idiot for it. But maybe he wasn't supposed to be doing that before. Maybe she was one of those really good things that happened when you waited for something really good to happen. Because bloody hell, she was really good. And it wasn't just how she kissed him, but that really did help. It was...a lot.
It took a lot of willpower for Dedalus to pull back, his other hand moving to play with a strand of hair that she hadn't gotten behind the cute red headband that had a tiny little bow off center. "I think we might have a bit of trouble getting past the knocker, because I really can't think right now."
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