She was happy that he'd kissed her, because she had been about to agree about the moving eventually bit, and then that would've prolonged their inevitable snogging and left them very little time to snog out in the corridor, which had been her initial intention anyway. So Eliza was glad that he'd stopped talking and kissed her just then because then all of this would've been counterproductive. Except that it would've ended up with snogging anyway, but not as much corridor snogging as she would've liked.
Because there was something special about corridor snogging, aye? You weren't supposed to do it, you got tapped on the shoulder (or sometimes pulled apart forcefully if it was Mr. Filch) if caught, and then there was the whole getting caught factor. It added excitement, Eliza thought, and with Dedalus as a prefect (as head boy), it was just that more enticing and sigh. She did love it when she thought of such silly yet satisfying things to do.
Their sweet kiss wouldn't do for corridor snogging, however, and Eliza deepened it, arms slipping around his side to press her hands flat against his back. Hmmhmmm, Dedalus was a very good kisser.
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