Daily Prophet Ball - Wizarding World!
Gabriel did not want to be here. He hated this holiday, he had no need for this holiday, and it was only to make appearances for his superiors to be here. He didn't even know how long he should stay, or who he should talk to---maybe the Editor in Chief would be good, to know that he had shown up in support--this was terrible.
He'd been in quite a horrid mood for weeks now, and Valentine's was simply not helping it in any case. Gabriel was excellent, excellent at putting on a good face for those around him (especially those he didn't want noticing his true demeanor), but the pink and the red and the hearts and the smiles, no. It simply reminded him that there were people who were happy in the world with their lives and families and---mostly their families. Bloody---families.
"Excuse me," he muttered, eyes locked onto the exit, as he believed he had made enough of an appearance.
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