Rabastan kept his eyes on Moses for a second before a smile crossed his lips. Ha, all right then. He took a few steps toward the desk, standing centimeters in front of it with the same amused smirk plastered onto his face. Did this fool think he was here for his own personal gain? Or did he think this was a game Rabastan had simply decided to play this afternoon?
"What would you do to reach those higher pillars, Moses?" he started quietly, eyes drifting down to the paperwork and what had to be nonsense busy work. "What would you do to make your life even better...what would you do to keep your family safe from the terrible accidents of war?"
The smirk had disappeared and Rabastan's light blue eyes were cold, but unwavering. There were three people in the world who could intimidate him, and Moses Dodderidge was nowhere on the same plane.
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