"I could take my lunch a little early..."
There were some perks to being chief resident, after all. One of them being in control of the schedules and the like. Santiago rarely took advantage of this (and Jolene was quite aware of how much of a stickler he was with following the rules), but this was a very important rescheduling. Yes, what if this exact hour was the perfect time to conceive their perfect child? Because of course he or she would be perfect, there was no doubt.
Plus he knew where all the on-call rooms were, and with his authoritative voice, it would certainly be no problem emptying them. And--there was a bit of a thrill to that, yes? Yes, he believed so, he had heard all the whispers and snickers and the like. Now that he was married, he supposed it was not so scandalous, pero. It was still very exciting.
"Are you busy?"
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