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Dedalus Diggle ([info]violetto_phat) wrote in [info]valesco,
A quiet and content hum escaped from his throat when she continued to lean against him. His hands found hers, his fingers sliding between her own as he listened to her speak, feeling his entire body relax because of her gentle kisses to the sensitive area of his neck. Even though Dedalus was still worried about why he was home, he wasn’t about to complain about this situation. There was nothing he wanted more than to just be with Eliza, and just…exist. In other words, he wanted to just lay beside her, or hold her, and not have to worry about any sort of responsibilities. But Healers and Nurses had far too many of those, so between the both of them they were always extremely busy. They made it work, because they saw each other at the hospital, and every now and then they’d get an hour or two at home, but most of the time they were flipping through text books in the living room or at the kitchen table; didn’t do much for their relationship. But right now, they had the entire day, to just do exactly what they were doing…maybe more.

A smirk crept across his features at her suggestion. “Maybe if you give my brain a second to cool down, I can use it to think of something…” He rose to his feet so that he could stand near the edge of the bed, turning around so he was facing her now. He reached down for her hands again, and with a gentle tug, he got her to crawl closer to him, allowing him to tuck her hair behind her ears, his eyes meeting hers. There were no words to explain how broken he would have been, had something happened to her at Mungo’s that night. He owed Peter Pettigrew his life, for saving Eliza’s, because she meant everything to him. She kept him steady when he felt like he was about to tip over and fall, and kept him floating whenever he felt like he was about to drown…and lately, he had been feeling as though he were being dragged down, even as he tried to swim to the surface. Things had just…been rough, the last couple of weeks. With what happened with the Minister, and everything that had gone on with Dorcas and Caradoc, he was beginning to think things would never get back to normal; that things would never calm down.

He leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers as he let out a light sigh. “I feel like I’m losing track of everything, lately.” After a few moments he pulled away a bit, able to look at her. “It’s almost like I have too much information to keep track of. For example, I thought I was working today, but apparently I’m not. It’s…a good thing, because I get to spend time at home, but I keep thinking that maybe I didn’t forget and they just took me off for some reason.” He felt bad bringing this up when they had the perfect opportunity to just be calm, but he had to get it off his chest.

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