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eliza g. diggle ([info]elizaddled) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-01-19 17:24:00

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Entry tags:dedalus diggle, eliza diggle

It was a rare, boring Monday. Eliza hadn't had a quiet, nothing-to-do Monday in what felt like months, and she was spending it alone. Which, really, made sense, because the reason she hadn't had a Monday to herself was because of St. Mungo's, and her boyfriend was a healer intern at St. Mungo's, so of course he was busy. They were always busy. How did people at the hospital have relationships? How could they make relationships that didn't get exhausted and tiring when they dealt with that hospital all the time?

Oh, right--they weren't members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Eliza had accepted the fact that Dedalus was going to have to put the Order before some things, before a lot of things, and she did admire him for it. She didn't think she'd be able to fight like he did, and someone had to, so---it might as well be the smartest wizard of their year, right? Right. She had to support him for the greater good, but she sure as hell wished he could take a day off (especially with all the mess going on right now. She wanted to move to Antarctica, or something).

"C'mon," she said to their dog, patting her thigh. Spunky trailed along behind her and dragged the rope she'd tied the small bundle of laundry to. See, pets were completely useful around the house, and came especially in handy when there was a ton of housework to be done. Maybe she could get another load or two done before dinner.

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2009-01-19 11:41 pm UTC (link)
Dedalus had been staring at the board for at least 20 minutes. Just…standing in the middle of the hallway, not even changed into his scrubs with his bag on his shoulder, jacket still on. Those chestnut hues scanned over the names of who was supposed to be working that day, only to see that the shift he was supposed to have was now replaced with someone else’s name. He knew he hadn’t gotten it wrong, because he always knew when he was supposed to be at Mungo’s; he wouldn’t have shown up at all if he wasn’t 100% positive. But, there was definitely someone else’s name where his was supposed to be.

A hand raised to scratch at the side of his head, brows furrowing together before he turned around, trying to figure things out. Was he kicked out of the program? Had he done something wrong? Did…

Did they know that he was partially responsible for the the fiasco with Dorcas and Caradoc? Dorcas was an auror, afterall... Maybe they were upset with him for being a part of all that.

The thought made him swallow roughly, his stomach churning uncomfortably. They didn’t just take people’s names down for no reason at all. There had to be some sort of explanation for all of this. He knew in the back of his head, that he should go to Healer Wood, to ask about the schedule change…but what if he was wrong? Why would he want to waste the Chief’s time asking pointless questions? Letting out a sigh, he turned around, and headed back towards the entrance of Mungo’s, pushing open the door to step outside. He walked around for another couple of minutes, before heading home. What was he supposed to tell Eliza? What if he had been kicked out? How was he going to explain that to her? The thoughts were making his head hurt, so once he found a good location, he apparated back to their apartment building, making his way over to their door. He hesitated before unlocking the door with the key he pulled out of his pocket, pushing it open so he could step inside. Removing the metal object, he closed the door, only to hear Spunky charge towards him a moment later. The sight of the small dog made him smirk a bit, lowering himself down so that he could pet him, looking up and away from him when he saw his owner standing just a few feet away.


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2009-01-20 12:36 am UTC (link)
Oooh. Eliza dropped the pile of shirts she had in her hand and hurried over to the door to greet Dedalus. He was home! He was home which meant that he didn't have to work, and if he didn't have to work, that meant that Healer Cervantes had taken the shift and she was going to have to cover his time in the clinic later in the week but. But this was good! This was very good--when was the last time they were home together for more than the less than seven hours of sleep they usually got?

"Hello!" she said happily, pushing into Dedalus' chest and lifting her chin. Oh, her boyfriend looked so very tired, she was so grateful that things had gone the way she planned. "Spunky and I were doing laundry, but that can be pushed until later, are you hungry? Tired? I bet you're tired--"

Eliza tugged on Dedalus' hand, urging him to take off his coat and bag and enter the flat. It was still rather early, they could get so much done! Or they could just sleep all day, that was as equally as productive as anything else they could do.

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2009-01-20 03:34 am UTC (link)
Quickly rising to his feet, he looked down at Eliza, seeing how incredibly happy she was that he was home. It was understandable, since…well, they never saw each other anymore, unless they snuck around the hospital, but other than that? They really never got the chance to spend time together. He looked down at the black and white pup as he was mentioned, watching as he excitedly jumped around, trying to get both their attention. It wasn’t until Eliza started asking him about how he was feeling did he look back to her, raising his brows as she dragged him along, not even giving him a chance to answer. He tried to anyway, even as they moved further into their flat. “I uh…yeah, I’m a bit tired. But I mean, I’m sort of used to being tired by now. I’ll be fine.” Between Hogwarts and being an intern, he was an old pro at going on just a few hours of sleep a night, waking up to do an insane amount of work.

Removing his jacket and the bag that contained all of his medical books, he placed them both on the couch before making his way into the bedroom. He sat down on the edge of their bed, hunched over a bit as he lifted a hand to rub at the back of his neck, rolling it from side to side. “I can’t even remember the last time we were both home so early…” He immediately regretted saying that, since it probably put a spotlight on the fact that they probably wouldn’t be home together at that time if he had work, like he was supposed to.

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2009-01-20 03:38 am UTC (link)
Eliza quickly crawled onto the bed behind Dedalus, hands going to his shoulders in a relaxing manner. She hated that they had such hectic and opposite schedules, but at the same time--Eliza liked being a nurse, or well, a nursing intern. She had never pictured herself in the chaos of St. Mungo's, but helping people, bringing cheer to the pediatrics ward and just making a difference balanced out the rapid paced time schedule. And for the most part, she was surrounded by lovely people, and that was a nice change from the drama that Hogwarts brought upon.

"Last Wednesday," she said, patting down the hair at the back of his head for a moment before moving her hands down to his shoulder blades. Eliza had learned a few tricks from the other nurses, and was glad she got to try them out. She leaned forward and kissed his ear, "I remember, because you said the same thing, last time."

She grinned and moved a bit on her knees to straighten up. Eliza couldn't believe how happy she was feeling right now, and all they were doing was sitting on their bed. She could rush him out to Diagon Alley, or plan a dinner at a fancy restaurant, but it was really just lovely to have this time alone. With the events at St. Mungo's (and having it be not too hard to figure out that the Order was involved), with the loss of two Order members, Eliza had been walking on eggshells around Dedalus, but stomping around every where else to make sure that people didn't bother him; it just felt like a natural thing to do.

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2009-01-20 03:45 am UTC (link)
Staring down at the floor between his knees as she moved behind him, he tried to get himself to relax. He was definitely tense, because of this whole scheduling mistake, since he had no idea why it had happened. He was trying not to bring it up until everything was cleared up at Mungo’s. There wasn’t any point, making Eliza worry about nothing at all. So, for now he’d remain quiet, his hands fidgeting on his lap, furrowing his brows when she reminded him. “Are you sure?” It felt like it was ages ago. It seemed as though 4 days was the equivalent of a year’s time. His question was answered after she kissed his ear, something that caused him to momentarily shut his eyes, opening them again when she finished with her statement. “Did I? I can’t remember anything anymore…”

So maybe he really did forget his schedule.

He turned his head, tilting it enough so that he could see her when he felt her move behind him. Things had been…rough, ever since the events that took place at Mungo’s that night. He had arrived home, after everything was taken care of, only to be greeted by a hysterical Eliza. She explained everything that had happened, and he was sure that his heart had stopped beating for a few seconds before he was able to snap back to reality. He hadn’t wanted her anywhere near Mungo’s that night, so finding out that she had been called in made his stomach churn, and his head spin. He did his best that night, to comfort her and tell her that everything was fine…but it was so hard. He was shaken up himself, so trying to calm someone else down was very challenging.

“So was laundry the only thing you had planned today?”

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2009-01-20 04:06 am UTC (link)
Eliza dropped down to rest on her feet, slinging her arms around Dedalus' torso, chin resting on his shoulder.

"I thought maybe Spunky and I would go on a walk later," she murmured, pushing her face into his neck. That had been the plan, a walk before dinner (laundry never kept her attention for long), maybe a book--some studying, too, as the nursing exam seemed to loom closer even though it was months away. Eliza found it a bit funny that she'd studied more in the past four months than she had in seven years at Hogwarts.

She let out a breath and kissed Dedalus' neck, overwhelmed with the feeling of having nothing to do but be with him. It was almost like she had taken for granted, all their time together before they both started at St. Mungo's, before the war had started to pick up its rapid pace. Eliza didn't know what kept her thinking that things were still okay, that things were going to calm down and they would once again be able to live without the constant worry (though, when did they ever? Maybe some time in Hogwarts, but--)

"Unless you have a better idea," Eliza breathed, pressing harder into his back. She could come up with a few better ways to occupy their time, but it was Dedalus' rare time off.

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2009-01-20 04:10 am UTC (link)
A quiet and content hum escaped from his throat when she continued to lean against him. His hands found hers, his fingers sliding between her own as he listened to her speak, feeling his entire body relax because of her gentle kisses to the sensitive area of his neck. Even though Dedalus was still worried about why he was home, he wasn’t about to complain about this situation. There was nothing he wanted more than to just be with Eliza, and just…exist. In other words, he wanted to just lay beside her, or hold her, and not have to worry about any sort of responsibilities. But Healers and Nurses had far too many of those, so between the both of them they were always extremely busy. They made it work, because they saw each other at the hospital, and every now and then they’d get an hour or two at home, but most of the time they were flipping through text books in the living room or at the kitchen table; didn’t do much for their relationship. But right now, they had the entire day, to just do exactly what they were doing…maybe more.

A smirk crept across his features at her suggestion. “Maybe if you give my brain a second to cool down, I can use it to think of something…” He rose to his feet so that he could stand near the edge of the bed, turning around so he was facing her now. He reached down for her hands again, and with a gentle tug, he got her to crawl closer to him, allowing him to tuck her hair behind her ears, his eyes meeting hers. There were no words to explain how broken he would have been, had something happened to her at Mungo’s that night. He owed Peter Pettigrew his life, for saving Eliza’s, because she meant everything to him. She kept him steady when he felt like he was about to tip over and fall, and kept him floating whenever he felt like he was about to drown…and lately, he had been feeling as though he were being dragged down, even as he tried to swim to the surface. Things had just…been rough, the last couple of weeks. With what happened with the Minister, and everything that had gone on with Dorcas and Caradoc, he was beginning to think things would never get back to normal; that things would never calm down.

He leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers as he let out a light sigh. “I feel like I’m losing track of everything, lately.” After a few moments he pulled away a bit, able to look at her. “It’s almost like I have too much information to keep track of. For example, I thought I was working today, but apparently I’m not. It’s…a good thing, because I get to spend time at home, but I keep thinking that maybe I didn’t forget and they just took me off for some reason.” He felt bad bringing this up when they had the perfect opportunity to just be calm, but he had to get it off his chest.

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2009-01-20 04:17 am UTC (link)
Eliza was easily getting lost in his touch. She craved for it all the time, when they passed each other in the corridors and it was just a quick slide of their hands---she swore she could feel the sensation for the rest of the day. Eliza had never understood how someone's fingers could tingle or how their heart could skip a beat, she had never imagined those feelings to be true until she fell in love with Dedalus. It was such a lovely feeling that she couldn't get enough of, and she was nearly lost in the pleasure of the feelings. So lost that she almost missed what he was saying--almost.

"Oh," she let out softly, eyes still closed with her forehead still pushing against his. Eliza's hands traced up to the bottom of Dedalus' shirt, moving with a practiced expertise as she began to pull out the buttons, "I asked Healer Cervantes to switch---I'm going to take on his clinic shift next weekend."

She pushed forward to kiss him, realizing that she probably should have mentioned to Dedalus that she was going to try and get his schedule changed. But, he had just been talking about how he's lost track of things; Eliza really hadn't thought about the switch until Dedalus came through that door. It wasn't a bad thing, so why should she be bothered, though--Eliza opened her eyes, not moving any further away from Dedalus. She loved being this close when they talked and whispered, "Should I not have?"

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2009-01-20 05:12 am UTC (link)
He wanted to be able to touch her all the time, to be with her all the time…but it was impossible. She wasn’t the only one who cherished those ridiculously innocent displays of affection that they would share while they were working, but they always left him wanting more. He was always, always tempted to turn around and go back to her, just to hold her hand for a few seconds longer, or to give her a quick kiss. They just…they didn’t have time for it. Their schedules clashed horribly, and even when they coincided with each other, they were both too tired when they got home to appreciate being together. They had to study, or they had work that needed to get done.

When she spoke, his brows furrowed together, trying to figure out if she had actually just told him what he thought she had. I asked Healer Cervantes to switch-- She had changed his schedule? He had been freaking out for nothing? Part of him was relieved but the other part was just…confused. It wasn’t until she leaned forward to kiss him did he snap back to reality, letting his lashes part once she pulled away, able to look at her when her own eyes finally opened.

The question didn’t get a reply at first, just a weird vowel noise before he blinked, and then swallowed, regaining his senses. “I don’t know…” His own voice was soft, and barely audible. He wasn’t angry at her, or upset with her, but…well, he didn’t really know what he was….except confused. “I just…I wish you would have at least told me, since I’ve been spending the last hour and a half thinking I’ve been kicked out of the program or something…”

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2009-01-20 05:56 am UTC (link)
Mm, he had to stop worrying. Worrying caused you stress, and stress was the last thing that Dedalus needed right now. So--no, no more worrying. Eliza kissed his chin, tracing tiny, tiny kisses up to his lips again, before muttering against them, "Sorry, I'll do it--next time."

If there was a next time. It was rather hard to switch shifts with her schedule, it was only going to get rougher when their exams approached, and with the war there was no telling how things were going to go. Who knew, who knew when the Order was going to call him for help, or---or---no, no stress, there was not going to be any stress today, none at all! Stress was for tomorrow, stress was for next week---if they got to next week, or tomorrow.

Eliza pulled back for a second, flustered by her own thoughts. How had she managed to frazzle herself with the idea of--losing Dedalus because of the war, when she was trying to snog him so he lost all his senses and relaxed? How did that work? She knew they were surrounded by war and death and---but it shouldn't be invading this time.

"Sorry--" she let out, a bit louder, as if having to make sure that he knew.

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2009-01-22 09:04 am UTC (link)
The feeling of her traveling lips against his skin made him relax just a bit, taking in the kiss that she planted against his lips, listening to what she was saying. Next time. There was going to be a next time? Was this going to be something that happened quite often, her changing around his schedule? The thought gnawed at his brain as he shifted to cup her face in his hands, returning the soft yet passionate kisses until she pulled away. He furrowed his brows as he caught the look on her face, staring into those big brown eyes of hers, only to have his features shift considerably once he realized what was going on.

Unfortunately, it was either because he was so wiped that he couldn’t control it, or because the thoughts were about him and they had sort of…jumped out at him, but he had managed to get a glimpse into her head. Needless to say, he didn’t like what he saw, or…what he heard, to be more specific. He knew that she hated when he got inside of her head, but it hadn’t been intentional. Some times he felt like the only wizard in the entire world with uncontrollable Legilimency. Most wizards had to actually try to get into other people’s heads, but Dedalus had just…done it one day without even realizing. And from that point forward, he had been catching pieces of people’s thoughts and memories. Lucky him, considering the lively and cheery group of people he found himself surrounded by most of the time.

Looking into her eyes for a while longer he swallowed roughly before moving one of his hands back, pushing her hair away from her face before he leaned forward to kiss her, not even bothering to respond to her second apology. The worries that she had were not hers alone. He too thought about what could happen. He thought about it more than she even knew. It was something that kept him up sometimes, thinking about how he could be dead by that same time tomorrow. How things could go wrong, and how…he’d never be able to have one of these moments with her again; how he’d never be able to kiss her, or hold her, or love her again. She meant so much to him that he couldn’t even begin to find adequate words to describe how he felt when he was with her. It was amazing to him, how during Hogwarts he had just been….Dedalus. He had just been the kid who always knew the answer in class, the kid who was always the most awkward and geeky person anyone had ever met. But with Eliza, he was so much more than that. She accepted how awkward and geeky he was, and she loved him for it. There had been a point in time where he had thought that he’d never even have a girlfriend, and now? He was in an apartment that he shared with a beautiful woman, who he loved, who loved him back. It was still quite shocking…but he wasn’t ready to let it go. But…he wasn’t ready to leave the Order, either.

Sometimes he felt as though he needed to choose. Like it was either be part of the Order, and try to stand up for what he believed in, despite the dangers…or choose Eliza. Choose her, and be safe, but let other people put their lives on the line against the Dark Lord, instead of helping. The members, they were like…family, now.

Sometimes he wished that Emmeline hadn’t dragged him to that meeting that day. If she hadn’t…things would be a hell of a lot easier. It wasn’t her fault, though. It just killed him, knowing that Eliza was so worried about him. Their first fight had been because of the Order. They had nearly broken up because of the Order. But then when he thought about all that they had accomplished, he was proud to be a part of it. He was doing something good, something…something really big that could change history.

God, he hated this. She needed to stop thinking. He needed to stop thinking. He just needed to kiss her, and hold her, and love her.

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