It was a rare, boring Monday. Eliza hadn't had a quiet, nothing-to-do Monday in what felt like months, and she was spending it alone. Which, really, made sense, because the reason she hadn't had a Monday to herself was because of St. Mungo's, and her boyfriend was a healer intern at St. Mungo's, so of course he was busy. They were always busy. How did people at the hospital have relationships? How could they make relationships that didn't get exhausted and tiring when they dealt with that hospital all the time?
Oh, right--they weren't members of the Order of the Phoenix.
Eliza had accepted the fact that Dedalus was going to have to put the Order before some things, before a lot of things, and she did admire him for it. She didn't think she'd be able to fight like he did, and someone had to, so---it might as well be the smartest wizard of their year, right? Right. She had to support him for the greater good, but she sure as hell wished he could take a day off (especially with all the mess going on right now. She wanted to move to Antarctica, or something).
"C'mon," she said to their dog, patting her thigh. Spunky trailed along behind her and dragged the rope she'd tied the small bundle of laundry to. See, pets were completely useful around the house, and came especially in handy when there was a ton of housework to be done. Maybe she could get another load or two done before dinner.
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