While Caradoc did not catch on fire, it felt like his back had. Behind him in a matter of seconds, the vegetation burst into flames, producing a very hot, and extensive flame. Well--- going over there was out of the question now. And it felt like he was already forming third degree burns (a realistic assumption or not, he couldn't tell) from just standing there. And no doubt the bright flame was going to attract attention, bad attention more than any good.
It had only been three seconds, and already he was being set up to lose. Wonderful. Nothing was better than dying in the hands of Grayson Wilkes. Oh wait--- anything was better than that. Because dying a slow, painful death was never enough for him, no no. That was too easy.
Blinking furiously (he was so hot) through the sweat, Caradoc shook his head and continued to move, not staying in one spot for too long. If one good thing came from the small forest fire happening behind him, at least it lit up the Death Eater's body, and any more that would approach behind him. Caradoc twisted his hand to throw a few hexes, many of which he was sure would barely hit the other man. At least they had been nonverbal.
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