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Amycus Carrow ([info]amycus_carrow) wrote in [info]valesco,
He had heard her muttering from somewhere in the flat, but it wasn’t until she stood up and chucked the picture frame down did he know her exactly location, stepping back so he wasn’t hit by the shards of glass that went flying from the newly broken object. “Fucking Christ…” The words were muttered under his breath, almond hued orbs darting around the room, trying to take everything in. His grip on his wand loosened, and he stood with his arms at his sides, finally letting his eyes settle on his sister. There was a knot in his stomach as he looked at the blonde figure standing before him, surrounded by their shattered belongings.

Her comment about killing him made him scowl and scoff. “Take a bloody number.” There was no doubt in his mind that everyone was looking for Caradoc, and there wasn’t one Death Eater who would spare him based on what had happened in the past. The older Slytherin had fucked them all royally; but he had caused more damage to his friends than anyone else. He had caused more damage to Alecto, and there was no fucking way that he was going to let the son of a bitch get away with hurting her like he did, or with betraying the Dark Lord.

Climbing over a few more of their belongings, he sighed when he was close enough to her. “You aren’t hurt, are you?” His voice was tense, and his eye actually twitched at the thought. It was probably a stupid question, but he wanted to make sure. No matter what they were involved with as Death Eaters, Amycus hated knowing that Alecto was constantly put in danger unwillingly because she had the dark mark on her arm. This wasn’t something she had chosen on her own, but something that was thrust upon her, and at times like these, it ate at him. Whenever she was in danger, he felt sick to his stomach until he was sure she was still alive, and well…

Or at least alive.

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