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Amycus Carrow ([info]amycus_carrow) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-01-08 02:04:00

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Entry tags:alecto carrow, amycus carrow

Amycus leaned forward, closing his journal as he ran a hand over his face, letting out a heavy breath. He had been collecting ingredients for the shop, a bag of various items sitting in the chair beside him at the Leaky Cauldron. He needed to get out of the flat and the shop for a while, and had volunteered to gather what was needed, since Alecto would have had to do it herself at some point. The last thing he wanted was to get on his sister’s bad side, especially now that Caradoc Dearborn was declared a traitor to the Dark Lord. Even though Alecto had the Dark Mark branded on her arm, he felt that her anger towards Caradoc had more to do with personal betrayal. Sure, every Death Eater was on the look out for Dearborn, ready to cut his throat if they saw him again, but Alecto was friends with him. So, he wasn’t about to push her buttons. It was usually his job to aggravate Alecto, because that’s what younger brother’s did, but he knew when to keep his mouth shut…for the most part.

Rising to his feet, he slipped his journal into the bag of groceries, and pushed back the chair, placing the bag beneath his arm. He didn’t want to waste any more time getting back to his sister, not knowing why she needed him to return him at that very moment. He highly doubted that she wanted to talk it out, or something equally out of character. It was more likely that she’d want to use him as someone to yell at, or hit, than to want him to come home so she could use him as a shoulder to lean on…then again, yelling at each other, or calling the other a ‘bitch’ or an ‘asshole’ was usually how they verbally displayed affection.

Getting to the front of the shop, he twisted the handle and tried to push open the door, only to notice there was something in the way. Furrowing his brows, he shoved his shoulder against the door a few times, finally making his way inside. He stood in the doorway for a good while, eyes going wide at the sight before him. When he came to his senses, he shut the door behind him, placing the bag down on the nearest flat surface, climbing over various objects to get to the stairs that lead up to their apartment. His heart was pounding in his chest, because even though he knew she was still alive, since she was able to demand that he come home immediately, he didn’t know what shape she was in.

He should have known that they’d come after her…

“Alecto?” He called her name out to her after he opened the door to their place, closing that door behind him as well. His hand had already gripped around his wand as soon as he saw the rubble downstairs, but he hadn’t even noticed.

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2009-01-08 09:01 am UTC (link)
"Fucking finally," Alecto scoffed to herself as Amycus' voice came across the small flat. From in the middle of the torn up living room, in between an overturned low table, torn up couch pillows, and the glass of broken picture frames, she stood up. The place was a fucking mess, and all because---did He really trust her so little--just because Dearborn was a disgusting traitor didn't mean that the rest of them that had foolishly associated with him were. Hadn't she just done him well by being the one to uncover the Minister's poisoning plot for what it was? Hadn't she always been loyal in the past? Caradoc made mistakes, but she did not. And here she was in the middle of a ransacked apartment and shop, trying to sift through what little remained not in ruins.

Of course, she'd also bore the physical brunt of this situation as well. Her bones still ached in reminiscence of the Cruciatus' intended effect, and although she'd patched herself up long before Amycus had known of the state of their flat, she still felt as if she carried open wounds all over. He had done a job on them, indeed--Evan, Emmet, herself... Those of his followers who had been close to Caradoc were all suspected and punished accordingly, in order to make sure they didn't take the same foolish actions as he had.

All because of Caradoc. Did he know what he had gotten the people he had claimed to be his friends into? Did he know what he had done to them? Of course he did---Caradoc had known was he was doing, Alecto was certain of it. And that was something that she would never forgive him for. If she had any idea where he was, she would have been out slitting his throat right then.

A fresh wave of anger washing over her, she threw the picture she was holding down at the cluttered floor, causing a loud crash and shattering of glass. "I'm going to fucking kill him," she hissed as Amycus came into the room.

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2009-01-08 09:32 am UTC (link)
He had heard her muttering from somewhere in the flat, but it wasn’t until she stood up and chucked the picture frame down did he know her exactly location, stepping back so he wasn’t hit by the shards of glass that went flying from the newly broken object. “Fucking Christ…” The words were muttered under his breath, almond hued orbs darting around the room, trying to take everything in. His grip on his wand loosened, and he stood with his arms at his sides, finally letting his eyes settle on his sister. There was a knot in his stomach as he looked at the blonde figure standing before him, surrounded by their shattered belongings.

Her comment about killing him made him scowl and scoff. “Take a bloody number.” There was no doubt in his mind that everyone was looking for Caradoc, and there wasn’t one Death Eater who would spare him based on what had happened in the past. The older Slytherin had fucked them all royally; but he had caused more damage to his friends than anyone else. He had caused more damage to Alecto, and there was no fucking way that he was going to let the son of a bitch get away with hurting her like he did, or with betraying the Dark Lord.

Climbing over a few more of their belongings, he sighed when he was close enough to her. “You aren’t hurt, are you?” His voice was tense, and his eye actually twitched at the thought. It was probably a stupid question, but he wanted to make sure. No matter what they were involved with as Death Eaters, Amycus hated knowing that Alecto was constantly put in danger unwillingly because she had the dark mark on her arm. This wasn’t something she had chosen on her own, but something that was thrust upon her, and at times like these, it ate at him. Whenever she was in danger, he felt sick to his stomach until he was sure she was still alive, and well…

Or at least alive.

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