nott_hamilton (![]() ![]() @ 2009-01-06 20:42:00 |
Who: Nott Brothers
What: Baby Freak Out
When: 2 days ago?
Status: ?? finishing in comments?
Theo had never wanted a child, well not at this point in his life anyways. And he was pretty sure he had expressed this clearly to everyone, especially his late wife. But clearly what Theo wanted didn't matter because he ended up with a son anyways. Which was fine up until two days ago. Two days ago he could go on as usual without having to worry about having a baby at home because Cordie had taken care of all that. That is what she wanted. She wanted a baby to take care of and since there was no going back after she had gotten pregnant, (Theo had found that he was in fact above pushing the clumsy woman down the stairs) he didn't mind so much as long as she took care of it.
So of course she had gone and gotten her self killed leaving behind the small baby with the man that never wanted it in the first place. It was plain to everyone exactly how tragic this really was. Even if Theo did want the child, he wouldn't know what to do with one or how to take care of it. Really, a stranger on the street could point that out to you.
So at the moment, Theo was pacing around the room waiting for Rhys to arrive. He glanced over at the baby lying in the crib staring at the ceiling, it was awake but it wasn't crying. That was a good thing. Theo couldn't take much more of the crying. Luckily Jugson's sister came over and got the thing to be quite for a little while.
All in all, this was a complete and utter disaster.
Whatever Theo thought he was going to accomplish here, Rhys knew that at the end of the day he was not taking that baby home. Godfather or not, the deal was when both of the parents died, then he would have to take over. So seeing as his brother was still very much alive and kicking, Rhys felt no need (nor was he legally obligated) to do such a thing. No baby.
Just because he understood the concept of caring for another person more than Theo did meant absolutely nothing. And he was very much ready to vocalize that thought. Well--- in different words.
"Oh--- you're here." Rhys had been expecting to walk through most of the house before finding his brother. But he was on the first floor, just a few rooms away from the door. Seeing the crib, Rhys hesitated a few seconds before walking over to it.
Because, you know, Theodore wasn't make any noise, and perhaps he should--- nope, he was just asleep.
While he would never admit it out loud to his brother, Rhys was actually going to miss Cordie. Of course, they had always joked but.... that was something entirely different. She hadn't been that bad at all. And the more Rhys thought about it, the more he was most likely going to miss the home cooked meals, her... always amusing antics, whether she meant to act that way or not, and her overattentive attitude on his life. Which had also been annoying sometimes, but it wasn't the worst when someone else actually showed that they cared.
"So..." Rhys stated simply, most certainly not leading this conversation. Whatever it was they were going to divulge into first. He placed himself in a nearby chair, and waited.
"So what am I going to do?" Theo asked as if it was the most obvious question in the world. It was, wasn't it? Theo knew that there was no chance of pawning the child off on Rhys, mostly because he knew Juliet would have none of it. "Because there isn't a sane person out there that believes I can raise this child, including myself."
Theo started pacing again, yes Cordie was mostly annoying, and... eccentric. But one thing she was good at was getting what she wanted. That's what she did, and Theo needed Cordie here to to take care of things. The baby, the cat, the fucking pig. The house was a mess already and it had only been two days. He was finally seeing how much she really did. Fuck, now he was going to have to get a house elf in order to keep things decent around here. Theo really disliked house elves.
"I'm at a loss and I'm asking for help which doesn't happen often."
Rhys frowned slightly, and watched as his brother continued to pace in front of him. This was... rare. Very rare to see Theo all jumbled and unsure like this. In fact it was slightly unsettling. Not that unsettling, because a part of him enjoyed seeing his brother this vulnerable because at least now they could talk seriously (which... almost never happened), but yes, still strange.
Well, luckily for his brother, Rhys had already come up with a few solutions to his baby problem. Simply because he knew he had to come up with alternatives other than dropping him on him. "So then don't," Rhys shrugged simply, talking as if the idea had been there all along, and it was quiet obvious.
He took a deep breath, not looking at Theo's response before continuing. "Just because you're his father doesn't mean you have to take care of him yourself. Hire a nurse that will stay here to take care of him. Get a house elf. I'm sure father can find you one easily. You have options," Rhys said expertly, nodding his head slightly as he spoke. Yes, he solicitor voice was kicking in; his brother was now just a client with a problem.
Not take care of the child. That was this genius' great idea. What on earth was he thinking. Theo wasn't that cold hearted. He couldn't just leave the baby to fend for its own. "Are you crazy--" is all he could get out before Rhys finished his thought.
A nurse. What a great idea. A life saving idea even. Theo almost hugged his brother but quickly rethought that action. He did have some dignity left. He nodded along right until the point Rhys mentioned getting a house elf and he groaned. That confirmed his fears. He needed a damn elf. "I hate house elves." Theo muttered. "But must be done, must be done. I've endeared worse, I suppose"
What: Baby Freak Out
When: 2 days ago?
Status: ?? finishing in comments?
Theo had never wanted a child, well not at this point in his life anyways. And he was pretty sure he had expressed this clearly to everyone, especially his late wife. But clearly what Theo wanted didn't matter because he ended up with a son anyways. Which was fine up until two days ago. Two days ago he could go on as usual without having to worry about having a baby at home because Cordie had taken care of all that. That is what she wanted. She wanted a baby to take care of and since there was no going back after she had gotten pregnant, (Theo had found that he was in fact above pushing the clumsy woman down the stairs) he didn't mind so much as long as she took care of it.
So of course she had gone and gotten her self killed leaving behind the small baby with the man that never wanted it in the first place. It was plain to everyone exactly how tragic this really was. Even if Theo did want the child, he wouldn't know what to do with one or how to take care of it. Really, a stranger on the street could point that out to you.
So at the moment, Theo was pacing around the room waiting for Rhys to arrive. He glanced over at the baby lying in the crib staring at the ceiling, it was awake but it wasn't crying. That was a good thing. Theo couldn't take much more of the crying. Luckily Jugson's sister came over and got the thing to be quite for a little while.
All in all, this was a complete and utter disaster.
Whatever Theo thought he was going to accomplish here, Rhys knew that at the end of the day he was not taking that baby home. Godfather or not, the deal was when both of the parents died, then he would have to take over. So seeing as his brother was still very much alive and kicking, Rhys felt no need (nor was he legally obligated) to do such a thing. No baby.
Just because he understood the concept of caring for another person more than Theo did meant absolutely nothing. And he was very much ready to vocalize that thought. Well--- in different words.
"Oh--- you're here." Rhys had been expecting to walk through most of the house before finding his brother. But he was on the first floor, just a few rooms away from the door. Seeing the crib, Rhys hesitated a few seconds before walking over to it.
Because, you know, Theodore wasn't make any noise, and perhaps he should--- nope, he was just asleep.
While he would never admit it out loud to his brother, Rhys was actually going to miss Cordie. Of course, they had always joked but.... that was something entirely different. She hadn't been that bad at all. And the more Rhys thought about it, the more he was most likely going to miss the home cooked meals, her... always amusing antics, whether she meant to act that way or not, and her overattentive attitude on his life. Which had also been annoying sometimes, but it wasn't the worst when someone else actually showed that they cared.
"So..." Rhys stated simply, most certainly not leading this conversation. Whatever it was they were going to divulge into first. He placed himself in a nearby chair, and waited.
"So what am I going to do?" Theo asked as if it was the most obvious question in the world. It was, wasn't it? Theo knew that there was no chance of pawning the child off on Rhys, mostly because he knew Juliet would have none of it. "Because there isn't a sane person out there that believes I can raise this child, including myself."
Theo started pacing again, yes Cordie was mostly annoying, and... eccentric. But one thing she was good at was getting what she wanted. That's what she did, and Theo needed Cordie here to to take care of things. The baby, the cat, the fucking pig. The house was a mess already and it had only been two days. He was finally seeing how much she really did. Fuck, now he was going to have to get a house elf in order to keep things decent around here. Theo really disliked house elves.
"I'm at a loss and I'm asking for help which doesn't happen often."
Rhys frowned slightly, and watched as his brother continued to pace in front of him. This was... rare. Very rare to see Theo all jumbled and unsure like this. In fact it was slightly unsettling. Not that unsettling, because a part of him enjoyed seeing his brother this vulnerable because at least now they could talk seriously (which... almost never happened), but yes, still strange.
Well, luckily for his brother, Rhys had already come up with a few solutions to his baby problem. Simply because he knew he had to come up with alternatives other than dropping him on him. "So then don't," Rhys shrugged simply, talking as if the idea had been there all along, and it was quiet obvious.
He took a deep breath, not looking at Theo's response before continuing. "Just because you're his father doesn't mean you have to take care of him yourself. Hire a nurse that will stay here to take care of him. Get a house elf. I'm sure father can find you one easily. You have options," Rhys said expertly, nodding his head slightly as he spoke. Yes, he solicitor voice was kicking in; his brother was now just a client with a problem.
Not take care of the child. That was this genius' great idea. What on earth was he thinking. Theo wasn't that cold hearted. He couldn't just leave the baby to fend for its own. "Are you crazy--" is all he could get out before Rhys finished his thought.
A nurse. What a great idea. A life saving idea even. Theo almost hugged his brother but quickly rethought that action. He did have some dignity left. He nodded along right until the point Rhys mentioned getting a house elf and he groaned. That confirmed his fears. He needed a damn elf. "I hate house elves." Theo muttered. "But must be done, must be done. I've endeared worse, I suppose"
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