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eliza g. diggle ([info]elizaddled) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-01-15 00:28:00

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Entry tags:eliza diggle, ingrid catchlove

The yarn tied to the end of her four-poster was pulling taut as Eliza braided the three strands. Her feet were pressed strongly against the end board as she pulled the yarn as far as she could, looking far too concentrated than when she was usually making or creating something. Usually it just came, or...or flowed, yes, that was the word, but lately---lately she'd actually been having to try to draw, or paint, or write, or sew, and Eliza wasn't liking it.

It may have had to do with her growing suspicions about her boyfriend. Except Eliza wouldn't exactly cause them suspicions, because that would mean Dedalus was doing something bad or...or doing something she didn't approve of, because he wouldn't. So...so she was concerned about his odd behavior, and had been for quite some time, and maybe it was starting to affect her in different ways.

"Dang it," she muttered; she'd messed up the twist and began to unravel the yarn as the door of the dormitory opened. Eliza smiled lightly at Ingrid as she continued untangling the mess she'd made.

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2008-01-16 04:34 pm UTC (link)
She couldn't help but squirm; Eliza never dished the gossip, especially when it was about her own personal life, but it had been driving her up the wall. She sat up a bit and once again found herself sitting cross legged in front of Ingrid.

"He---well. I know he's busy and all, but sometimes it's like...like he's taking all these classes, and I dunno how he manages to do it, so he's always going off and sometimes at night, he like..." Eliza blushed deeply, looking away for a moment and figuring out how she wanted to put this, "Some days he comes up with...well. I mean, they could be true, and it's---he's been 'sick' four times this year since November, but...only on Saturdays? Meaning...I don't go to the dorm that day?"

Eliza shook her head, letting out a breath, "I dunno, maybe I'm overreacting."

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2008-01-17 12:41 am UTC (link)
Ingrid frowned, her features twisting into a concerned yet thoughtful expression, and she bit her bottom lip. This was tricky, because Dedalus sounded suspicious and for Eliza's sake, Ingrid wanted to tell her to be suspicious, be careful, because what if there really was something going on? But then again, she didn't want to say something that was going to help fire the suspicions she had already and would possibly cause her to act irrationally, therefore potentially ruining a relationship something wasn't even going wrong with in the first place!

Sigh. Friend politics were so complicated.

"Maybe you are," she decided on finally, tilting her head to regard Eliza. "And I guess if you're really concerned, you can talk to him calmly about it. I mean, Dedalus is a smart bloke, he should understand why you would be a little suspicious--but then again, you don't want to be overly suspicious because he could take that as an insult and--oh bloody hell, I'm sorry, I'm bollocks at this."

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