Iris didn't know what to think about her life at that moment. While things at school were becoming easier and she was slowly understanding material and just buckling down on her studies, life outside of Hogwarts was becoming more and more hectic. First all the rubbish with the M.A.G.I.C. act and fretting over her father's blood status and how quickly it progressed to a ridiculous level. Now her father was going to be the next Minister and telling her that he wasn't actually her father. Her world, it seemed, was being turned upside down by the people surrounding her. The only bit of stability to things was Brad.
A good chunk of her holiday had been spent at his flat, something that pleased Iris quite a bit. So her showing up at his place wouldn't be entirely unexpected or out of the blue. She didn't know what to make of the news that her father had just dealt to her, but she knew that she didn't really want to think about it--at least not by herself. Thank Merlin for boyfriends.
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