Oh. He'd said--oh. Oh. And--and then he started talking about presents and---and---"Idontcareaboutpresents!" she shrieked over his question. Isobel shot to her feet, staring up at Archie with complete disgust and confusion and.
"I---I tell you that I'm----pregnant and you talk about-----PRESENTS?" she let out, hands balling and going up to hit him, but she couldn't even--she didn't want to look at him, but at the same time she did because now someone else knew and she wanted to talk to them and she wanted Archie to tell her that it was going to be okay, but obviously he was too concerned with bloody Christmas and---
"You! You can just! You can just go and I will take care of it---him---or her by my--self!" she shouted, turning with a flourish, but Izzie didn't make it out of the kitchen before she whirled around again with her hands shaking by the side of her head, "AND DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE BECAUSE I WILL KILL YOU!"
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