She didn't.
Tim had managed to push the other man off of him and caught sight of his wife standing and coming closer and---she was insane. She was insane and without second thought Tim whipped out his wand and sent the other man soaring across the lawn. And--maybe a few unnecessary stunning spells followed, but he had to make sure that the jerk wasn't getting up.
"Mina!" Tim let out, noticing again that it was very cold and there was snow and they did not have shoes on and this was bad, she just---"Mina, get--house! Into the house!"
He nearly felt like shooing her like a scolded puppy but she looked so upset and freaked out that--okay no they needed to get out of the snow, and Tim as quickly as possible helped his wife back into the house, shutting the door and turning on all the lights and---
"I'm so sorry," he muttered, summoning over a blanket and attempting to get slippers or socks to come all the way from the bedroom (not really that far but his hand was shaking and--). His head was throbbing, and holy hell that guy had fists of steel, it felt like he'd been stabbed, "Are you okay? I'm sorry--"
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