She flew out of bed before she'd even comprehended the noises-- that wasn't the sort of commotion that could only be caused by a rabbit, and if something had happened to him, she'd just--well, at the moment, she just needed to get down the stairs and to Tim before something happened.
Except of course Tim had to have closed it, which she wasn't anticipating and had to skid to a halt in order to open, which she fumbled with, and of course it started to stick now of all times.
"Damn door!" she hissed, kicking it to dislodge it and moving as fast as she could possible make her nine-month pregnant self go. Adamina didn't have to get all the way down the stairs before she saw a gaping hole in the window.
"TIM, WHAT IS GOING ON!" she yelled, clutching the banister.
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