This was really the worst decade ever.
Okay, maybe she was only seven or whatever when it started, but still. You really didn't remember most of what happened before you were seven. And--okay, so maybe the decade wasn't a complete mess, she could probably cut that whole 'worst ___' ever thing down to 'worst first semester of a school year' ever. She was nearly failing basically everything, all of her muggleborn friends were being shipped off to what was most likely a hellhole, and--and there was still that unresolved hatred she had for Gavin Daniels, which even Kobe could not deny anymore was really not hatred at all.
And she really hated him for that.
So--she was going to have a drink, tonight. Definitely not the first time (her brother was a Hobgoblin even if he was all straight edge or whatever---and she was a Catchlove), so it wasn't like she was going to get pissed off her first cup. But---third, or fourth, wellll.
It really wasn't her fault that some bloke decided to stretch his legs out into the middle of where people were walking. Kobe ungracefully tripped over the Slytherin's foot, her drink flying into the fireplace. She stumbled and found her balance, frowning greatly that her drink had quickly evaporated into the flames. At least she didn't get it on the carpet?
She turned quickly (er--and wobbly) toward the Slytherin. Oh. Egg. "How kind of you to give people room to move around."
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