Chandler stayed hopeless out into the library, the middle, empty space where the visitors walked to and away from the various aisles of books. It was his favorite part of the library, the center circle where he could watch who came in and who left, who stayed the longest, what books they might be taken out---Chandler was terrible at dealing with people, but he certainly enjoyed watching them and trying to figure out their story.
Like the woman looking around, seemingly lost. She was very pretty, and looked to be on some sort of a mission. She wasn't here to read for pleasure, Chandler was almost sure. No, no, she was searching for something, and it would probably be something for another person, because you don't come to a library, looking around in such a confused manner, when you had time to figure something out for yourself. Yes, she would probably soon come to the information desk to ask him a question of where to find this book and---holy God almighty it was Wendy Tremaine.
He promptly dropped from his standing position, crouched and attempting to hide under the circular desk. His assistant, Lisa, stared down at Chandler in complete confusion, but her attention was taken by--oh, oh that was her voice.
"Can I help you?" Lisa said sweetly, and Chandler bit back a whine pressing further back into the knobs of the cabinet under the desk.
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