Giada had never been one to make decisions. It took big, drastic events to get her to put her foot down, and it seemed like, when they did, she always ended up hurting about it for months. Emmet and his baby, that lead her to tell her parents about her secret life, which meant getting kicked out of the house---the flat, telling them that she wasn't going to leave Graeme, that got her completely disowned and--and it just seemed like---
Why couldn't everyone see the world like she did? What was wrong with just being honest and nice and---Giada saw nothing wrong with the muggle world, she saw nothing wrong with muggleborns and the magic they produced and she knew that no one was better than the other, who was You-Know-Who to say that and---and--
"Let's--let's leave, we can leave, Graeme!" she let out, pulling back to look frantically into his eyes. Giada might be an optimist, but she wasn't stupid; these complexes were just the first step in completely eradicating the muggleborns from the wizarding population. It was obvious, and how the ministry could think this was right completely flabbergasted her. "Graeme, it's okay, it's okay, I would rather---I can't--I can't live without you, let's just go."
Her hands went up to her face, a fleeting thought of 'how did I get so hysterical so quickly' passing through her head. Her answer came immediately; this was Graeme, this was a man that---Giada could be with forever, and her heart knew it, and she wanted to be with him forever and now that she admitted that to herself the idea of letting him go was absolutely not going over well.
"It'd be fun, I think," a shaky smile crossed her face, even though her eyes were still welled with tears. "We'd--we'd be pretty groovy muggles."
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