These past few weeks had been amazing. Amazing! With the billboard, and now the station was running ads in magazines and people noticed her and shouted at her on the streets and it was just so much fun. Giada enjoyed the attention, even she couldn't deny that, and maybe she enjoyed it a little too much, but--it wasn't horrible, really, it was just a new and fresh way to go about life, right! She was even thinking about where this knew found celebrity in the muggle world could go, and her thoughts turned to the telly and---
--and all of it seemed so ridiculous now, knowing that Graeme and the other muggleborns in the wizarding community were being shipped out of their homes. Out of their homes! Graeme and Giada--they had a home. It was a small flat but it was a happy flat (and Giada definitely believed a place could have emotions). Their home was filled with laughter and love and just nice things so how could the ministry think that sending them away, that separating muggleborns from the people they love--how could they think that was fair.
"But--but--" she started, trying to hold it together for Graeme. Her Graeme, she couldn't lose him! What if they decided that muggleborns couldn't even leave the flats or something! What if they decided that non-muggleborns proved too much of a risk! What if--what if---Giada's breath caught in her throat and she pushed forward to cling onto Graeme as she began to cry again. "Youcantleave!"
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