Tell Me All That You've Thrown Away
[WHO?] Jen Gibbon, Hippocrates Smethwyck and eventually Rachel Englewood
[WHERE?] St. Mungo's around lunch-time.
[RATING?] PG-13, at best.
[WHY?] We all need a little crack now and again.
Jen took a deep breath as she opened the door to the St. Mungo's employee lunch area. She had used t the excuse that she wanted to have lunch with Tobias. That wasn't true and anyone who knew her well enough would see through the lie. Damn, Smeth would see through it. She chewed on her lower lip for a moment. If he did, oh well. She hadn't seen him in months. Not since she had decided to make Tangles a reality. So what if she decided to look...cute on top of that. Okay, so she put on her best winter dress, coat, shoes and perfume.
She wanted him back and she wasn't going to lie. She just wasn't going to play the same childish games that she played before. They were both adults and entitled to have their own social life. She had gone on dates with muggles. No one seemed to have the same flame that she had with Smeth. She took a deep breath and pretended to look around for Tobias when really she was trying to spot Smeth.
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