Iris smiled, giving him a quick kiss back. "I'm quite well, and yourself?" she asked curiously. She wondered if her dad would think to send a flock of hitwizard babysitters to snoop around and follow her that afternoon, or if he'd just let it go for once. She had an auror-in-training there to protect her, after all, so there was no reason for the boost in security. Even though the auror-in-training was her boyfriend. That she was fairly sure her father hated. But still! That was all the more reason for Brad to want to protect her, right? Because they were together and--she was lost in thought, wasn't she? Bugger.
"Are you ready for the game?" she asked excitedly. Truth be told, she was never very into Quidditch. She went to games with friends because it was something to do and that's where everyone was, but...she was probably the worst in her year on a broomstick, and she never really saw the point in the game. Yes, it was for the sport of it, all boiled down to throwing a ruddy ball around and trying to catch another one before it flew off again. But this game would be spent with Brad, and it would be much different than the other ones, she was sure.
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