"Don't you know you're only making it worse for yourself by saying things like that?" Lily asked, resigned.
Maybe---maybe if she convinced herself this was going to be negative, it wouldn't hurt so much when it actually was. Mind over matter, or something like that.
Except when James talked like that, it made her believe that he was right. When he sounded so optimistic and sure, Lily could hardly help but to believe that he knew what he was talking about, even though she knew so much better than to trust him on this.
Seriously. He was getting pushed off the tower hard when this was over. She would need to take this out on someone.
Reaching out, she snatched the potion from his hand before she could think better of it, and walked into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door tightly. She was not going to freak out and not do this. That's the last thing she needed, was to freak out and not do this. Or well---maybe it was the first, she couldn't really think too straight right now.
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