He had gotten a potion. That moron of a husband of hers had actually gotten a potion. To see if she was pregnant. When they already knew they were never going to get pregnant because Voldemort had decided to take that away from them too.
This was unbelievable. He was unbelievable.
"How can you stand to sit here and say to me that you think we're going to have a baby?" she asked, somewhere between confused and angry. Maybe it was just a very strong mix of the two. "I couldn't even---how can you expect so much when you know there's a 99.9% chance that you're just going to get your hopes dashed again? How can you even deal with that?"
Oh, ugh--it was all coming back now. That night after they had gone to St. Mungo's to ask why they hadn't had any luck conceiving, and the sitting alone in their bedroom and helplessly wondering when they were ever going to catch a break. When were they going to be the ones that got to be happy for once? And what else was there left to be taken away before they couldn't take it anymore?
She wanted that baby so bad. She had made herself forget how much she wanted that baby---until now. Now it was back to haunt her, and all because Alice had to have the bloody sniffles.
Damn it all.
The silence between them was tense as Lily gripped the comforter with her hands. And then, she sighed.
"I'm going to knock you off the Astronomy Tower if that doesn't turn positive, Potter."
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