Ralph pulled the book closer to his chest and leaned back into his chair, letting the book jut into his stomach as he read the same sentence he had been looking at for the past ten minutes. For some reason, he couldn't really focus and honestly enough, he didn't feel like doing anything either. Too many things we racing through his head. Or at least occupying his focus. It wasn't a lot of things, but they were big things that tended to take up a lot of thought-thinking and--- yes. He definitely needed some sleep.
Letting out a sigh, Ralph pushed the book back into the middle of the table. At least the library was quiet--- and not that no-one-wants-to-talk-to-you quiet, the peaceful quiet. He had been getting that a lot lately, the one where no one talked to him. Which really wasn't fair because no one knew what had really happened with him and Miranda; he'd hardly understood and she didn't know because he hadn't told her, and, yes. Ralph definitely hated people in general at that point. He propped his head on the back of the chair, letting his legs stretch out under the table. Closing his eyes, Ralph thought about what he could do besides reading about Charms. Which he really couldn't give a rat's ass about ever.
Go to the pitch? No, Miranda could possible be there. Common room? No, Miranda. Plus the possibility of Davy, who Ralph really didn't want to talk to. The Great Hall? Maybe, it was just as neutral as the library.... Ralph's eyes snapped open as he heard someone pull out a chair at his table. A faint smile appeared on his lips as the person sat down. "Dedalus!"
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