There really wasn't any need for this to be repeated, but what else could he really say? He leaned back in his chair, kind of poking at his book, making it slowly slide across the table. After about 5 pokes, it was maybe about an inch away from him, and if he wasn't so focused on his book moving measurements, he might not have jumped as high when Ralph finally reacted in the way he had originally expected him too. Regaining his composure, he stared at Ralph and raised his brows.
"...are you alright?"
Stupid question, but it seemed to slip out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Of course he wasn't alright. Just because he didn't get what made Ralph keep going after Miranda time and again, that didn't mean that he didn't want to try and help out as much as he could. Not that he didn't like Miranda, because Dedalus rarely had a problem with anyone, but she always looked at him kinda funny.
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