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phoebe ❀ ([info]feebees) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-10-29 13:41:00

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Entry tags:aberforth dumbledore, agatha timms-catchlove, alice longbottom, bess fawcett, caradoc dearborn, chandler midgen, derek dobbs, frank longbottom, gabriel corner, glenda prewett, greta catchlove, group, james potter, john mulciber, kobe ackerly, lily potter, lucille lovegood, lydia proudfoot, mark timms, matilda mulciber, octavia lestrange, phoebe smethwyck, prisca loftus, psyke bardera, rabastan lestrange, rachel corner, roderick dearborn, thorfinn rowle, tristan bardera, wendy midgen, xenophilius lovegood

The Halloween Ball! --Posted for Friday!
In all of her years at Hogwarts, in all of her years being a prefect and working on a team full of the best students in Hogwarts, Phoebe Smethwyck had never been as impressed as she was right now as she stared around the Great Hall. Illuminated with candles in all shapes and sizes (and colors, a nifty charm a sixth year had found), the tables surrounding the dance floor were decorated with pumpkins, spiderwebs, and fall leaves, creating a spooky, yet beautiful design. The Ghosts of Hogwarts had volunteered to mingle more than usual (she thanked Nearly Headless Nick profusely, and promised to hold him a belated Death-Day party), captivating the guests with stories---how much truth they held, she couldn't be sure, but they were interesting nonetheless.

The band was a new kind of wizard rock, a bit more political than the Hobgoblins, W.O.A.R. There had been a lot of discussion at the prefect meetings about whether or not they should try and book them, but at the end of the day the naysayers (read: the Slytherins) were outvoted, and the band with the hit song "Do You Believe in M.A.G.I.C" was creating an incredible atmosphere.

So---people looked happy. They were laughing, smiling, and just---happy. Not something Phoebe felt like the wizarding world had been in a long time, and she was glad to be a big part of it.

Now, if only she could find a reason to be happy, herself.

ooc: No wands! Just your ID is needed. Everyone is welcome!

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2008-11-01 10:04 am UTC (link)
It was true, that Fabian had been running around ever since they had arrived at the ball, but he did his best to keep an eye on Bess, so that once he had made his rounds he could go back to her. It took a lot longer than he had expected, to say ‘hi’ to everyone, and since he was at Hogwarts he had a few of the male students rush over to try and get a word in with him about Quidditch. Sometimes the guy forgot he was famous, but he was always willing to make some time to talk with fans. Tonight, however, he knew that he was there with Bess, and that if he took any more time getting back to her, she would probably get pissed…with good reason.

As she turned around to face him, he gave her a grin, moving his own mask up so that it was resting on top of his head. “Good thing you stand out in a crowd, otherwise I might not have found you either.” He took a look around, taking in how many people were really there. It was a hell of a good turn out. His attention went back to her when she spoke again, letting out a light laugh when she brought up the Hokey Pokey. “I’ll think about it.” After that was said, he reached out to take a hold of her hand, sliding it down from her elbow since he had still been loosely holding onto her since he had gotten her attention. “But for now, how’d you like to join me on the dance floor?”

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2008-11-02 04:23 pm UTC (link)
Bess smiled smugly, lifting her nose just a bit to accept his offer. She was certainly glad to have a boyfriend that was ready and willing to attend these events, even if he did end up being the bigger attraction at the party. Maybe it was a good thing that her ego had been deflated a bit; Hogwarts Bess would not have been able to accept the lack of attention.

She pressed her chin to her shoulder in a flirty manner as he led her to the dance floor, and Bess slung her hands loosely around Fabian's neck. Where was she, last Halloween? Sitting in her little flat with Sadie, not even giving out candy to trick-or-treaters. No, all she had the patience for was to leave a bucket of candy outside her door (and that got stolen by some hooligans). And now? Well. She was at a ball, with the boyfriend she was living with, and on Monday she would be back to work at the Ministry.

Really, you couldn't have a better year than that. There had been bumps and literal bruises, but---Bess was just glad that she'd made it.

"I'm glad you asked me to the ball," she said with a quirk of her lips, recalling the prompt she'd given Fabian in her journal.

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2008-11-03 07:10 am UTC (link)
The words she spoke caused Fabian to give her smirk, his mask still on top of his head since he really just…didn’t feel like wearing it any more. His hands had already moved to wrap around her waist, holding her close as they swayed back and forth to the song that was playing. It was actually fantastic, not wearing the masks at this moment. While they were usually fun and mysterious, he wanted to be able to see her face when he held her that close.

Good lord, he was turning into such a sap when it came to Bess. He was always a very devout boyfriend, no one could say otherwise, but had only felt this close to someone once before. Not physically of course, but just…mentally? He didn’t know, but there was definitely something that lit up in his chest whenever he was near the blonde. “Aren’t you proud of me, for thinking this up all on my own?” His smirk turned into a smile as he guided them on the dance floor, his feet moving a bit from side to side as he held her close, listening to the mellow music playing around them. “In all seriousness…I’m glad we came. I’m pretty sure this is the first big event we’ve ever been to together…isn’t it?” He furrowed his brows, trying to think back on it.

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