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phoebe ❀ ([info]feebees) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-10-29 13:41:00

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Entry tags:aberforth dumbledore, agatha timms-catchlove, alice longbottom, bess fawcett, caradoc dearborn, chandler midgen, derek dobbs, frank longbottom, gabriel corner, glenda prewett, greta catchlove, group, james potter, john mulciber, kobe ackerly, lily potter, lucille lovegood, lydia proudfoot, mark timms, matilda mulciber, octavia lestrange, phoebe smethwyck, prisca loftus, psyke bardera, rabastan lestrange, rachel corner, roderick dearborn, thorfinn rowle, tristan bardera, wendy midgen, xenophilius lovegood

The Halloween Ball! --Posted for Friday!
In all of her years at Hogwarts, in all of her years being a prefect and working on a team full of the best students in Hogwarts, Phoebe Smethwyck had never been as impressed as she was right now as she stared around the Great Hall. Illuminated with candles in all shapes and sizes (and colors, a nifty charm a sixth year had found), the tables surrounding the dance floor were decorated with pumpkins, spiderwebs, and fall leaves, creating a spooky, yet beautiful design. The Ghosts of Hogwarts had volunteered to mingle more than usual (she thanked Nearly Headless Nick profusely, and promised to hold him a belated Death-Day party), captivating the guests with stories---how much truth they held, she couldn't be sure, but they were interesting nonetheless.

The band was a new kind of wizard rock, a bit more political than the Hobgoblins, W.O.A.R. There had been a lot of discussion at the prefect meetings about whether or not they should try and book them, but at the end of the day the naysayers (read: the Slytherins) were outvoted, and the band with the hit song "Do You Believe in M.A.G.I.C" was creating an incredible atmosphere.

So---people looked happy. They were laughing, smiling, and just---happy. Not something Phoebe felt like the wizarding world had been in a long time, and she was glad to be a big part of it.

Now, if only she could find a reason to be happy, herself.

ooc: No wands! Just your ID is needed. Everyone is welcome!

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2008-10-31 11:51 am UTC (link)
"Oh, no. Not my date," she said softly, shrugging. This bloke could probably care less about the fact that she was actually looking for. "Just...a friend." Could she consider him a friend? She thought so. Being around him, more often than not, felt friendly.

She let herself linger on the thought of Gabriel if only momentarily before returning to her dance partner. "It's just so hard with these ridiculous masks on, yeah?" she said with a smile, trying to look at him <>past</i> the tux and mask. She wasn't really seeing much, but the few vague similarities between him and Gabriel--well, they were easily shrugged off.

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2008-11-01 03:15 am UTC (link)
"Just a bit," he agreed with a smile and nod as the song ended. He broke his hold on her to applaud, and then his hands dropped slowly to his sides. Gabriel was glad to be enjoying himself so thoroughly, and while they hadn't talked much, he couldn't see a reason to vanish into the night. That was one thing about masquerades; many a time you ended up never seeing a person again, even though you'd had a wonderful evening.

Or, you knew exactly who was under the mask and attempted to avoid them for the rest of your life.

He bowed in thanks, a sideways grin crossing his features. "My name's Gabriel, if that helps any. Might want to leave some sort of mystery."

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2008-11-02 12:59 am UTC (link)
Mary felt her stomach bunch into knots at the mention of his name, and not just from the morning sickness. She smiled awkwardly at the sideways grin, wondering what exactly was running through his brain. It was always possible that it was another Gabriel, but the way he held himself and the voice and the look of his face--it just all fit.

She nodded slowly. "It's funny. I've been looking for a bloke named Gabriel all night," she said quietly, looking him square in the eyes at that point. "We...well, I have--some things to tell him that I recently found out about." Ugh, she hated how this was all coming out, but she didn't know how to mention this to him and what if she said something wrong and he got upset at her or angry at her again and...she didn't want that, she liked being back on an okay footing with him.

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2008-11-02 03:56 pm UTC (link)
How strange, what were the odds? Gabriel's expression softened as he focused on the woman's words, and he wondered if she could possibly be looking for him. His mind racked for anything that anyone would have to tell him, but he came up with nothing. If it was work related, then he would've found out at the offices. If it was about his parents or sister, he'd hope that they'd have made an announcement of sorts.

So there was no way this woman could be looking for him. He had nothing to hide or hear, yes?

"Would you like to talk about it?" His eyes searched the dance floor, and he found her still occupied and captivated in conversation, "It appears that I have some free time."

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2008-11-02 05:12 pm UTC (link)
"Erm..." She paused at his offer, giving it a good thought. On the one hand, it was an extremely personal issue, one she wasn't sure she wanted to share with the world. On the other, she was still unsure of how to talk to Gabriel about it. She'd received some advice from friends, but...maybe an outside source would be better?

Mary finally nodded slowly. "Perhaps someplace a bit less crowded?" If she was going to talk to him, she didn't want the people around them to hear her. "It's rather personal and--" she let out a slow breath, her stomach again queasy.

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2008-11-03 06:37 am UTC (link)
He could somewhat understand how being able to speak to someone under the guise of a mask might make things easier. Gabriel had never been good at revealing his own feelings, and right now with the masquerade going on around them, he honestly felt like a different person. He supposed this young woman was feeling the same.

Gabriel nodded and led her off the dance floor toward the end of the refreshments table, where a curtain was hanging and creating some sort of enclosure.

"Can I help?"

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2008-11-03 03:09 pm UTC (link)
She let out a slow breath, once again collecting her thoughts and trying to string them together for some sort of coherence. "Well--it's just that...he and I, we haven't always gotten off very well. It's not that we don't like each other, it's just that we have very contrasting opinions on things and--and we tend to argue a lot about that. But. But then he--and I--we--" she stopped once more, not sure how to say what she wanted to say without sounding completely vulgar and disgusting, because this was a very nice bloke she was talking to, one who had been very polite the entire evening. If she slipped and said something wrong, it might offend him.

"Anyways," she said with another soft sigh. "We haven't really talked to each other or seen each other for a few weeks after. And--I've started feeling ill lately and I thought it was just a stomach virus or food poisoning or something, but...but it's not, and I have to tell him. I have to let him know, and I have no idea how to break that sort of news to someone. And I thought I could just wait until closer to the due date, but I keep thinking about it and--" she looked up at him, biting her lower lip.

"If it were you, you would want to know, right? That--that you had a kid on the way? Even if--even if things with the mum were a bit shaky and and--" she broke away, now trying to keep herself from breaking down into a puddle of tears and sobbing and just--bad. This Gabriel shouldn't have to deal with her breaking down. It wasn't his fault (or anyone's) that all of this had happened.

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